Sample Advise

Dear Mr. ******** ******

On perusing the Site plan for PROPOSED SERVICE CENTRE FOR M/S PORSCHE MOTORS at Bangalore, the following are my observations & analysis:


  • Overall, the site seems to be Vasthu compatible as the site has almost flat profile, it is perfectly rectangular with East-west axis longer than North-south axis. The site opens out on to a 45.0 mtr. Wide road on the East. – This is good for positive Vasthu vibrations in the entire site.
  • The building is to be located such that less space more spceison the Western part of the site, with the maximum built-up area on the South-west (KuberMoola) quadrant.
  • Besides,at the Brahmasthanam (Centre of Gravity) of the site, the building could be designed to have an open courtyard or an atrium which will bring in light and ventilation and at the sane time, leave the central portion of the building lighter, which is absolutely essential as per Vasthu.
  • NORTH-EAST QUADRANT (DEV-MOOLA) - The main entrance to the site can be provided in the North-eastern quadrant as marked in the accompanying sketch. The drive-way will be provided along th periphery of the building going clockwise from the main entrance. Another service entry can also be provided on the extreme Southern end of the site, nearer to the Generator & Power plant installation on South-east.
  • Water Harvesting &Borewell points: preferred to be done in the absolute Dev-moola(North-east quadrant) as shown in sketch.
  • AGNI MOOLA- (SOUTH_EAST) : The Incoming power and generator room should be located in this region as shown in sketch.
  • NORTH-WEST (VAAYU MOOOAL) Utilities like STP, Waste water treatment plant, General toilets, waste stirage bins, etc. can be located within this quadrant.
  • SOUTH-WEST QUADRANT (KUBER-MOOLA) – Managing Directors Cabin, and cabins of key personnel involved in day to day strategy formulations like Finance Officer, Sales and marketing Chief Executives, etc. should have their cabins in this quadrant as shown in sketch. This will go a long way in increasing productivity and good company- client relationships.

The above placement of functional areas are suggestive. The plan needs to be detailed out with respect to exact spatial needs of each functional area. Fine tuning in consonance with Vasthu parameters will ensure the success of the project in terms of good labour relations, peaceful and cordial working atmosphere at all levels and good productivity, thereby resulting in wealth accumulation and growth.

Vasanth Bhat

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